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FIN3R WEBINAARI Conventional rodent housing and its implications for morbidity, mortality and experimental results

Kun: 22.10.2024 klo 16 (Helsinki, EET) 

Otsikko: Conventional rodent housing and its implications for morbidity, mortality and experimental results

Puhuja: Dr. Jessica Cait (University of Guelph and Canadian Council on Animal Care, Canada)

Jountaja: Vootele Voikar (Helsinki University)

Over 120 million research rodents are used annually, most housed in small, barren “shoeboxes” that are poor for welfare. Our recent meta-analyses have demonstrated that these cages are so chronically stressful that they impact rodent health, shortening their lives and increasing morbidity in experimentally induced disease models. In addition, we have also demonstrated that these health implications have consequences for experimental results, limiting data replicability. So, how do we move forward? How much ‘enrichment’ is enough? And can we use rodent housing strategically to improve study validity?

PUHUJASTA: Dr. Jessica Cait (University of Guelph and Canadian Council on Animal Care, Canada)

Jessica Cait is a postdoctoral fellow working with Dr. Georgia Mason at the University of Guelph and Dr. Marc Avey at the Canadian Council on Animal Care. She has an MSc from the University of British Columbia in Experimental Medicine and a PhD from the University of Guelph in Integrative Biology. Her research focuses on rodent welfare, and how we can refine laboratory practices to improve welfare and scientific validity.

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